
Showing posts from November, 2019

Purdue GIS Day 2019

The annual Purdue University GIS Day Conference was held on November 7th, 2019. Each researc h team in the UAS major was able to showca se their work and the research they have done this semester. I am very proud of the work done by my research team and I as well as the work done by my classmates, each project showcases innovative and effective ways to use Unmanned Aerial Systems in different industries. Our class had a fairly large presence at the conference and I hope it brought positive attention to our major, work and research! Unfortunately I was unable to attend the morning keynote speaker presentations due to morning classes. I was able to attend the lunch and listen to each of the guests talk about their history and current work with GIS. It was very interesting and inspiring to hear how they have gotten into the GIS industry and are using it in many different applications. From the lunch we transitioned into the poster presentations where my classmates and I were able to pre